10,977 research outputs found

    Drilling Fluid

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    Drilling fluid (mud) is fluid used during drilling operation. It provides function such as remove cutting from well, control formation pressure and maintain wellbore stability. Loss circulation material (LCM) is a material that can control the problems during the drilling process which is loss circulation. The most widely used LCM in the drilling fluids is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). In the worst case scenario, the total loss circulation can be occurring that will result no drilling fluids in the borehole and blow out would be happened. To prevent this from occurring, we need to effectively close the opening where the mud is flowing into the formation as soon as possible. But there is problem when we are using sawdust as loss circulation material (LCM) which is whether the chemical in the drilling fluids can suspend the sawdust or not and also how effective the sawdust can plug or close the opening at the formation. If the chemical did not have enough strength to suspend the sawdust, it will lead to the problem called mud sagging. The objective of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of the sawdust as the bridging agent or loss circulation material (LCM). The rheological properties that were evaluated are; plastic viscosity (PV), yield point (YP), 6 rpm (low end rheology), gel strength and volume of fluid loss. Base on the result, the rheological performance at 1200F of sawdust is good to be as an alternatives LCM to normal LCM which is Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) in water based mud that have low value of plastic viscosity and low volume of fluid loss. Sawdust also needs to have high value of 6 RPM reading (low end rheology) to make sure the mud is not sag


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    Accounting information systems provide information for both internal and external users. Public sectors adopted internal control procedures in accounting systems to ensure accurate and reliabilty of financial report. One of internal. control components is information that is tools for decision making. Nowadays, information technology facilitates internal control procedures. Both information and information technology support sector public activities more easily, more reliable and more accurate. This article provides explanation about how to use information system in public sector with information technology support. Furthermore, the explanation will be focused on planning and developing information ' systems in public sector based on computer system

    On-board processing architectures for satellite B-ISDN services

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    Onboard baseband processing architectures for future satellite broadband integrated services digital networks (B-ISDN's) are addressed. To assess the feasibility of implementing satellite B-ISDN services, critical design issues, such as B-ISDN traffic characteristics, transmission link design, and a trade-off between onboard circuit and fast packet switching, are analyzed. Examples of the two types of switching mechanisms and potential onboard network control functions are presented. A sample network architecture is also included to illustrate a potential onboard processing system


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Waha  Kecamatan Wangi-wangi Kabupaten Wakatobi  dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan dan makna simbolik yang terkandung dalam tradisi Herapo-rapo  pada suku Buton di Desa Waham Kecamatan Wangi-Wangi, Kabupaten Wakatobi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pengamatan (observasi), wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Tradisi Herapo-rapo dilakukan pada saat bulan Ramadhan. Proses pelaksanaan tradisi Herapo-rapo memiliki beberapa tahap yaitu (1) tahap persiapan, (2) tahap pelaksanaan, dan (3) tahap perempuan menjual kacang yang sudah disangrai sambil menunggu laki-laki yang singgah membeli kacang tersebut. Makna simbolik dalam tradisi Herapo-rapo ini yaitu makna alat dan bahan tradisi Herapo-rapo tersebut berupa kacang sangrai, meja, kursi, lampu pelita. Secara umum makna tradisi Herapo-rapo  yaitu agar cepat mendapatkan jodoh atau pasangan hidup

    Separation of the rare earths by anion-exchange in the presence of lactic acid

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    Investigation of adsorption of rare earths and a few other elements to an anion-exchange resin from mixed solvents containing lactic acid shows that the lanthanides are absorbed more strongly than from the alpha-hydroxyisobutryric acid system, but with less separation between adjacent members of the series

    Hubungan di antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian

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    Pembelajaran atas talian merupakan satu kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang pada keseluruhannya disampaikan melalui internet dan berinteraksi dalam mod pembelajaran jarak jauh. Kepentingan pembelajaran atas talian terhadap kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran telah ditekankan dalam pelbagai kajian lepas. Walaubagaimanpun,tahap penerimaan dan pengaplikasian platform ini masih berada pada tahap yang membimbangkan, terutamanya di peringkat Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT). Lantaran itu, tujuan utama kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengkaji pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian. Kajian tinjauan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen ini melibatkan seramai 234 orang pensyarah yang terdapat di enam buah fakulti di UTHM. Kaedah statistik yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah statistik deskriptif iaitu min dan statistik inferensi melalui kolerasi Pearson untuk mengkaji hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian adalah tinggi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan positif yang kuat antara pengetahuan dan sikap pensyarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran atas talian (r=.739, p 0.00,p>0.05). Kesimpulannya, kajian ini berpotensi menjadi rujukan untuk penambahbaikan perlaksanaan pembelajaran atas talian bagi merealisasikan hasrat KPM untuk meningkatkan kualiti penyampaian atas talian yang bertaraf global


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    Capital Structure and Market Power: Evidence from Jordanian Banks

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    This paper provides new insights into the way in which the capital structure and market power and capital structure and profitability are related. We used sample data of fourteen banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the period from 2005 to 2008.We examine the dependent variable, which are expressed by total debt deflated by total assets, while the independent variables are Tobin Q, Growth, Profitability, Size, Ownership, Risk and Tangibility ratio. The OLS estimation results indicate that, at lower and higher ranges of Tobin’s Q, banks employ higher debt, and reduce their debt at intermediate range. This is due to the complex interaction of market conditions, agency costs, and bankruptcy costs. We also show the saucer-shaped relation between capital structure and profitability because of the interplay of agency costs, costs of external financing and interest tax-shield. We find that size tangibility variables have a positive influence both on capital structure and on the other hand on growth, while risk and ownership variables have a negative influence on capital structure.aknowledge, competitiveness, firm performance, knowledge-based theory

    Capital structure and value firm: an empirical analysis of abnormal returns

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    This study investigates whether capital structure is value relevant for the equity investor. In this sense, the paper links empirical corporate finance issues with investment analysis. This study also integrates the Miller-Modigliani (MM) framework (1958) into an investment approach by estimating abnormal returns on leverage portfolios in the time-series for different risk classes. For most risk classes, abnormal returns decline in firm leverage. Descriptive statistics, simple and multiple regressions are used to test the hold indicator significance. The results reflect that the designed measures are the negative relationship between returns and leverage could also be due to the market’s pricing of the firm’s ability to raise funds if need be. Further avenues for research in this area include examining the stock return performance of companies based on the changes in leverage of the firms relative to their risk classes. It would be particularly noteworthy to examine the rate at which the information content of said changes is incorporated in the share prices of companies as well as in their long run returns This study encompasses all non-financial firms across the five sectors that cover all the various classes of risk. This study investigates neither the determinants of multiple capital structure choices nor changes in capital structures over time. Our main goal is to explore the effect of capital structure on cumulative abnormal returns. This study also examine a firm’s cumulative average abnormal returns by measuring leverage at the firm level and at the average level for the firm’s industry. And also examine other factors, such as size, price earnings, market-to-book and betas.capital structure, agency cost, firm value.
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